This kind of infection is caused by yeast or microscopic fungi. They live in the vagina but in small number. When some factor is leading to yeast growth, then women are affected with this kind of infection. In most cases this infection affects the vaginal area but also it can affect other areas such as beneath skin folds, around dentures, nail eds, lower abdomen and under the breasts. Steroids, pregnancy, chronic health conditions, stress, diabetes, antibiotics, use of oral contraceptives and diabetes can lead to yeast infection. They are risk factors. When women are in their menopause, then they can get yeast infection because the levels of estrogen are decreasing which means that their vaginal walls are thinner than before. Most women had yeast infections at least once in their life. If you have yeast infection, then you can have swelling, itching or burning around the affected vaginal area. It has no odor. You will feel pain and discomfort during the sex. Also you can feel burning when you are urinating. Here are some yeast infection home remedy and natural cures which can help you to cure the yeast infections:
Yeast infection home remedy and natural cures
Yogurt: Yogurt has lactobacillus acidophilus which is friendly bacteria. This kind of bacteria controls the growth of the yeast infection in the vagina. If you suffer from yeast infection, then you should use unsweetened and plain yogurt. You should apply plain yogurt on the affected area. You should let it stay on your skin from 20 – 30 minutes. If you can put the yogurt to stay on the affected areas all the night, then this can help you better. Yogurt can help you to relief the itching from your vagina. If you have vaginal yeast infection, then you should dip a tampon in yogurt. Then, you should put the tampon in your vagina. Let it stay for 2 hours. You should repeat this yeast infection home remedy twice per day. You should add yogurt in your daily diet. But you should talk with your doctor for the previous mentioned methods to see if they will you. [1,2]
Coconut oil: It has antifungal properties which can help you to kill the fungi which are a reason for the yeast infection [3,4]. You should apply a coconut oil on the affected areas 3 times per day. You should apply it externally. Also there is another option which you can use. You should mix equal amounts of cinnamon oil and coconut oil. Then, you should apply on the affected areas. This can help you to control the growth of yeast infection. If you have oral thrush, then you should put this kind of oil in your mouth from 5 – 10 minutes. Also you can make a mixture from coconut oil with cinnamon oil or tea tree oil and then you can use it. You should not swallow it. You should repeat this yeast infection home remedy 3 times per day.
Apple cider vinegar: White vinegar and the apple cider vinegar have some distinctive components which can help you in the fight against the yeast infection. In a cup of warm water you should add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. You should drink this mixture 2 times per day in a period of few days. Also you can add apple cider vinegar in hot bath water. You should soak your body in this kind of water for one hour. You will notice that the skin itching and irritation will be decreased in very short time. Also you can dilute apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with plain water. Then, you should apply this kind of mixture in external way on the affected areas. You should let this yeast infection home remedy to stay on the affected area from a half to one hour. Then, you should rinse this mixture with water.
Garlic: This kind of vegetable is used worldwide as natural treatment for many kinds of diseases. It has antibacterial, natural antibiotics and antifungal properties which can help you to cure this kind of infection. You will need to crush few garlic cloves. Make a paste from the crushed garlic. In the affected areas you should apply this kind of paste directly on the skin. Some people do not want to use fresh garlic or they do not have fresh garlic in their homes, then they can dilute few drops of coconut oil with garlic oil which has Vitamin E. You should apply this kind of mixture on the affected areas. Also you can eat fresh garlic cloves every day. Maybe, you do not want to eat fresh garlic because this can lead to bad breath, but this is one of the best yeast infection home remedy. [5]
Cranberries: They have antifungal and antibacterial properties which can help you as natural treatment for the yeast infections. If you have bladder infection or some urinary tract infection, then you can use cranberries as yeast infection home remedy. You should drink unsweetened cranberry juice. Drink it several times per day. This will help you to heal faster from the yeast infections. You will notice improvements in your condition in very short time. If you cannot find unsweetened cranberry juice, then you should buy cranberry tablets. You should drink them 2 – 3 times per day. These kinds of tablets are available in many health stores all around the world. [6]
Boric acid: It has antifungal and mild antiseptic properties. In fact this is a chemical substance. If you are pregnant and you have yeast infection, then you should not use boric acid as your natural treatment. You should dilute small amount of boric acid with water. You should apply this yeast infection home remedy in the affected areas. Let it stay for few minutes. Then, you should rinse this mixture with water. In a period of two weeks you should do this home remedy. [7]
How to get rid of a yeast infection naturally?
Calendula: This kind of herb has anti – inflammatory and antifungal properties which can help you to treat the yeast infection [8]. You will need to crush 2 – 3 calendula leaves. Then, you should apply the previously crushed leaves on the affected areas. Repeat this process 2 – 3 times per day. Also you can make a tea from calendula extract. This yeast infection home remedy will help you to heal from the yeast infection. If you are pregnant, then you should not use calendula because it can cause you side effects. If you cannot find calendula in fresh form, then you should buy calendula as ointment or lotion.
Tea tree oil: It has natural antifungal properties which can help you to cure of this kind of infection. Women who are pregnant should not use this home remedy because it can make side effects to their babies. You should dilute organic tea tree oil with water. If you do not want to dilute it with water, then you can change dilute it with sweet almond oil or olive oil. You should add one teaspoon of the mentioned kinds of oils. You should rub the affected area with this yeast infection home remedy. Repeat this process several times per day. If you have vaginal yeast infection, then you should put few drops of this oil on a tampon. Then, you should put the tampon in your vagina. Let it stay for 2 – 3 hours. You should repeat this yeast infection home remedy two times per day. [9]
Oregano oil: It has antifungal properties which can help you to boost your immune system. Apply this kind of oil topically on the affected areas. This kind of oil can cause you irritations on your skin. You should dilute this kind of oil with olive oil before you apply it on the affected areas. If you do not like to do this process, then you should take 2 capsules or oregano oil two times per day. You should repeat this yeast infection home remedy in a period of few weeks if you want to have the best results. [10]
Olive leaf extract: This kind of extract can help you if you suffer from yeast infection. It has anti – inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant and antifungal properties which can help you to restore the friendly bacteria in your body [11]. You will need to chop some fresh olive leafs. In a glass jar full with a lid you should put these leaves. Then, you should put vodka over the leaves. Put vodka until you notice that they are completely covered with this alcohol. Then, you should close the lid. Put the jar in dark place. Keep it there for 4 weeks. Then, you should strain this liquid in another jar. You should apply this yeast infection home remedy on the areas where you have yeast infection. You should repeat this method tree times per day. It can help you to relief from the symptoms caused by yeast infection. If you have tried these home remedied and you have not seen any improvement, then you must talk with your doctor. He or she will give you the best treatment for your condition.
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