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Natural treatment for tuberculosis – custard apple and black pepper

Tuberculosis is also referred to as TB. This is a highly contagious respiratory infection. It is caused by the bacteria known as mycobacterium tuberculosis. This is primarily a respiratory condition, but also it can infect and affect other organs of the body because the infection can slowly spread via the bloodstream and lymph nodes. This type of infection usually does not spread in a single contact, but prolonged or repeated exposure to the bacteria will increase your risk of getting tuberculosis.

Also, there are other factors that can increase your risk of tuberculosis, such as an improper diet, reduction in vitality, and a weak immune system. The most common symptoms of tuberculosis are sensations of pain in the chest, kidneys, or back, fever, night sweats, weight loss, labored breathing or shortness of breath, persistent coughing (with blood in the mucus in the advanced stage), and a general feeling of fatigue. If you are diagnosed with tuberculosis, and you left it untreated, then it can be fatal because it can cause tissue death in the infected organ. There was one study in 2011 in which was said that tuberculosis has infected 8.7 million people and killed 1.4 million people [1]. If you are diagnosed with tuberculosis, then you must take proper medical treatment. Also, you can use some of the home remedies as an adjunct treatment for you. You need to talk with your doctor for the proper treatment and diagnosis of your condition. You should use the below-mentioned home remedies just as an adjunct treatment.

13 Home remedies for tuberculosis

Custard apple

Custard apple has rejuvenating properties, which can be used as a natural treatment for tuberculosis. The pulp of custard apple is usually used. You should boil the pulp of 2 custard apples and 25 seedless raisins in 1½ cups of water until 1/3 of the water is left. You should strain this home remedy and then add 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon, and ¼ teaspoon of cardamom. You should allow this home remedy to cool. You should drink it two times per day. [2]


This natural cure has many essential minerals and compounds. Orange juice has a saline action in the lungs which can ease the expectorations, and it can protect the body from secondary infections. Also, this natural cure can boost the immune system as well. In one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, you should add a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of honey. You should mix it thoroughly. You should drink this home remedy two times per day, one glass in the morning and one in the evening. [3]


This is a very helpful home remedy for treating tuberculosis because it has antibacterial and healing properties. This home remedy will help to dissolve mucus, nourish the lungs, and revitalize body organs, and it can help to prevent dangerous side effects of medicines that are taken for tuberculosis. You should mix half a cup of carrot juice, 2 teaspoons of pure malt vinegar, 2 teaspoons of honey, and one teaspoon of mint juice. You should divide this home remedy into 3 equal parts, and you should drink one dose every few hours.

Natural cures for tuberculosis


Indian gooseberry

Amla or Indian gooseberry has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. There are various nutrients in the amla which can give you energy, and they can enhance the capacity of your body to function properly. You should de-seed 3 or 4 Indian gooseberries. You should extract the juice from them using a juicer. You should add one tablespoon of honey and mix it well. You should drink this home remedy every morning on an empty stomach. Also, you can consume raw Indian gooseberry or its powder. [4]

Green tea

This home remedy can help in the treatment of tuberculosis because it has high antioxidant content and immune–strengthening properties. Also, it has polyphenol compounds that can inhibit the proliferation of bacteria that can cause tuberculosis. You can brew green tea leaves with warm water to make green tea. If you do not have green tea leaves, then you can take them in capsule form, which you can easily find in the markets. [5]


This home remedy has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to eliminate the bacteria that are causing tuberculosis in the lungs, and it can reduce the inflammation that results from the infection and constant coughing. The drumstick leaves and pods are a good source of Vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, and carotene. You should boil a handful of drumstick leaves in one cup of water for 5 minutes. You should allow it to cool and then add lime juice, pepper, and salt. You should drink this home remedy daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Also, you can consume boiled drumsticks on a daily basis because they can help to get relief from the infection.


This natural cure acts as a source of strength, and it can boost the immune system of those who suffer from tuberculosis. It has many nutrients which can speed up the healing process. You should mix one teaspoon of garlic paste and two teaspoons of crushed walnut powder. You should add one teaspoon of clarified butter and mix all ingredients thoroughly. You should eat this home remedy once per day. Also, you can add walnuts to your meals because they can keep your immune system strong.


This natural cure is a rich source of nutrients and calcium, which can help to boost the immune system of patients [6]. Also, it can help to alleviate fever and cough. You should take a ripe banana, mash it and then mix in one cup of coconut water, one teaspoon of honey, and ½ cup of yogurt. You should consume this home remedy two times per day. You can make raw banana juice and drink one glass of it on a daily basis. Also, you can drink the juice of the banana plant stem because it will give you relief from symptoms like excessive perspiration at night with a high fever, excess phlegm, chronic cough, and so on. You should slowly sip 1 – 2 cups of banana stem juice every 2 hours until the symptoms subside.

Black pepper

This home remedy can help to cleanse the lungs, which in turn will help to alleviate chest pain that is associated with tuberculosis. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the inflammation that is caused by the bacteria and constant coughing. You should fry 8 – 10 black peppercorns in clarified butter. You should add a pinch of asafetida powder and then allow this home remedy to cool. You should divide this home remedy into 3 equal parts, and you have one dose every few hours.


This natural cure is rich in sulfuric acid, which can destroy the germs that are causing tuberculosis. Also, it has ajoene and allicin, which can inhibit bacterial growth. Also, it has immune–boosting and antibacterial properties, which are very effective for the tuberculosis patient. You can eat garlic in cooked or raw form. You should mix together ½ teaspoon of chopped garlic, 4 cups of water, and one cup of milk. You should boil this home remedy until it is reduced to ¼ of the volume. You should drink this home remedy 3 times per day. Also, there is another option, and that is to add ten drops of garlic juice to one glass of milk, and then you should drink it before you go to bed. You should not drink water afterward because it can diminish the beneficial effects. There is a third option, and that is to dice ten cloves of garlic and you should boil them in one cup of milk. You should eat the boiled pieces of garlic and then you should drink the milk. You should do this natural treatment on a daily basis for a period of a few months. [7]


This home remedy has beneficial effects on the immune system because it has high amounts of minerals and vitamins. It can help to break up the mucus in the respiratory tracts, and it can eliminate the congestion of nasal cavities and lungs. This can help your immune system to combat the bacteria that caused tuberculosis. You should drink pineapple juice or slice up a pineapple.


There are different types of gourds which are included bottle gourds. They act as a very effective immune system stimulator. This is very important for people who suffer from tuberculosis because the immune system is compromised when someone is infected. The direct impact of this natural cure is not fully understood, but there are many people who have used this home remedy for years as their natural treatment for tuberculosis.


[1] World Health Organization. Global Tuberculosis Report 2012. 2012.

[2] Zahid M, Mujahid M, Singh PK, et al. Annona squamosa linn. (custard apple): An aromatic medicinal plant fruit with immense nutraceutical and therapeutic potentials. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2017.

[3] Forastiere F, Pistelli R, Sestini P, et al. Consumption of fresh fruit rich in vitamin C and wheezing symptoms in children. BMJ Open Respiratory Research. 2000;55(4):283-288.

[4] Singh Grover H, Deswal H, Singh Y, Bhardwaj A. Therapeutic effects of amla in medicine and dentistry: A review. Journal of Oral Research and Review. 2015;7(2):65-68.

[5] Soh AZ, Pan A, Bin Eng Chee C, et al. Tea drinking and its association with active tuberculosis incidence among middle-aged and elderly adults: The singapore chinese health study. Nutrients. 2017;9(6):544.

[6] Nieman DC, Gillitt ND, Sha W, et al. Metabolic recovery from heavy exertion following banana compared to sugar beverage or water only ingestion: A randomized, crossover trial. PLoS One. 2018;13(3):e0194843

[7] Hannan A, Ikram Ullah M, Usman M, et al. Anti-mycobacterial activity of garlic (Allium sativum) against multi-drug resistant and non-multi-drug resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2011;24(1):81-5.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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