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Best top ten home remedy treatments for scabies

Scabies is a contagious and uncomfortable skin condition commonly seen in young adults and children. This condition can spread quickly among people in crowded places where they have direct contact, such as nursing homes and childcare centers.

This condition is caused by a mite, also known as Sarcoptes Scabiei, and they can survive up to a month living on human skin. Scabies generally appears near the elbow, in the armpits, around the genital area, on the knees, between the fingers, around the waist, soles of the feet, under the breasts, on the buttocks, and on shoulder blades.

Redness, rashes, itching, and intense pain around the infected area are the most common symptoms of scabies. Also, there are some cases in which blisters and swelling can happen. The mites spread to others through sexual contact with a person who has an infestation, sharing personal items belonging to an infected person, and close contact with an infected person.

Prompt treatment is very important to reduce the symptoms of scabies. Many medicines are available for treating this condition, but we suggest you try some of the mentioned home remedies after you have talked with your doctor.

9 Home remedies for scabies


This is a very effective home remedy for scabies because it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. These properties can give you relief from the symptoms of scabies [1,2]. To make a thick paste, you should mix a few drops of lemon juice, one tablespoon of turmeric powder, and water.

You should apply this paste to the affected area and let it stay there for about one hour. Then, you should rinse it off using lukewarm water. You should do this natural treatment once per day until you have noticed improvements in your condition.

You can make one teaspoon of neem powder and one teaspoon of turmeric. You should add some water to form a smooth paste. You should dab this paste on the affected skin, and you should let it dry on its own. After it has dried, you should take a shower or bath to wash it off. You should repeat this natural treatment once per day.


This is a very popular home remedy for scabies because it helps to kill mites. You should mix four parts of water and one part of bleach. You should spray this home remedy on the affected area two times per day. Repeat this natural treatment for a period of a few days. [3]


This mineral will not directly treat scabies but will prevent fungal outbreaks and fight off secondary skin infections [4]. You should grind 2 or 3 zinc tablets into a fine powder. You should add a small amount of water to make a thick paste.

Also, you can add a small amount of turmeric to make this paste more effective. You should apply this paste to the affected skin. You should let it stay there for at least 30 minutes or until it dries naturally. You should rinse off with lukewarm water. You should repeat this natural treatment once per day until the scabies infection is gone. While doing this natural treatment, you must eat foods rich in zinc, such as soybeans, wheat bran, whole grain products, sunflower seeds, and others.

Natural cures for scabies

Cayenne pepper

This is a very effective home remedy for scabies because it will burn and kill the mites, and also it will give you relief from the problem of scabies [5].

In hot bath water, you should add one cup of cayenne pepper, and you should mix it. You should soak your body in this water until your water gets cold. You should be sure that you will not get water in your eyes because the pepper can cause you a burning sensation. You should rinse off the cayenne pepper with cool water. You should repeat this natural treatment once per day until the scabies is treated. People who have sensitive skin should not use this natural treatment.

Neem leaves

Neem leaves can be used as a natural treatment to cure scabies because they have antifungal and antibacterial properties [1,2]. These leaves will help reduce the itching and clear the mites within only a few days.

You should make a paste of a handful of fresh neem leaves. You should crush them with a pestle and mortar. You should wash the affected skin thoroughly, and then you should apply this natural cure. You should let this paste dry naturally and then take a bath to wash it off.

You should do this natural treatment every day because, in this way, you will speed up the healing process.

Also, you can boil some neem leaves in one cup of water. You should let this home remedy cool to room temperature. You should drink one tablespoon of this natural cure 3 or 4 times per day. You should repeat this natural treatment for one week or two to ensure that scabies and mites are gone completely.

Neem oil

This botanical pesticide is used to treat many skin problems, including scabies. This oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which can help eliminate bacteria and fungus trapped in your skin [1,2].

The smell of the neem oil prevents scabies from reproducing, which is very important for treating this condition because it can shorten the duration of the problem. You should apply pure neem oil on the affected areas, and then you should massage gently until this oil penetrates deep into your skin. You should wait for a few minutes and then you should take a bath. You should do this natural treatment once per day for a period of several weeks because, in this way, you will prevent the infection from spreading.

Also, you can make an antiseptic cream with two ounces of freshly grounded turmeric powder with two ounces of neem oil. You should apply this natural cure on the affected area 2 or 3 times per day. This home remedy will soothe the itching, and also it will speed up the healing process.

Tea tree oil

This home remedy has a compound known as terpinene-4 – which helps kill the parasites that cause scabies. Tea tree oil has wound–healing, antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiseptic, disinfectant, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you treat scabies [6].

You should mix one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of tea tree oil. You should use a cotton ball to apply this home remedy to the affected area. You should do this natural treatment two times per day for a period of 2 – 3 weeks. This will decrease the pain and swelling, and also it will speed up the healing process.

Also, you can add ten to twelve drops of pure tea tree oil to a bathtub of lukewarm water. You should take a bath in this water two times per day for a period of a few weeks. It is important to be noticed that nursing mothers and pregnant women should avoid using tea tree oil. Also, people who have sensitive skin should not use it because it can irritate sensitive skin. You should test this natural treatment on a small area if you have sensitive skin.

Aloe Vera

This natural cure has antimicrobial and many other natural medicinal properties, which can speed up the healing process of scabies, insect bites, and many other skin conditions [7].

You should apply fresh Aloe Vera gel on your affected skin. You should let it stay there for half an hour, and then you should rinse it off with lukewarm water. You should repeat this natural treatment 2 or 3 times per day for a period of a few weeks until you notice improvements in your condition.

Also, you can grind a handful of calendula petals along with a pinch of turmeric powder. You should add two tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel, and then you should mix it well. You should apply this paste to the affected skin, and you should let it dry on its own. You should do this natural treatment two times per day for a period of a few weeks until you get a complete recovery.

White vinegar

White vinegar has acidic nature, which changes the pH level of your skin. It is a known fact that any change in the pH level can cause mites to die.

In a bowl, you should mix equal amounts of water and white vinegar. You should apply this home remedy to the affected skin with a cotton ball. You should let it stay there for a few minutes. Then, you should rinse it off with lukewarm water. You should repeat this scabies natural treatment every day for a period of ten to fifteen days because, in this way, you will fight against the infection to cure it completely.


[1] Charles V, Charles SX. The use and efficacy of Azadirachta indica ADR (‘Neem’) and Curcuma longa (‘Turmeric’) in scabies. A pilot study. Tropical and Geographical Medicine. 1992;44(1-2):178-81.

[2] Ayaz S, Hannan A, Usmanghani K, et al. ScaNeem: Herbo-mineral therapy for scabies. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2011;5(24):5706-12.

[3] Executive Committee of Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Scabies. Guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of scabies in Japan (third edition). The Journal of Dermatology. 2017;44(9):991-1014.

[4] Gupta M, Mahajan VK, Mehta KS, Chauhan PS. Zinc therapy in dermatology: A review. Dermatology Research and Practice. 2014.

[5] Shenefelt PD. Chapter 18: Herbal treatment for dermatologic disorders. In Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects (2nd ed.). Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S (Ed.). 2011.

[6] Thomas J, Carson CF, Peterson GM, et al. Therapeutic potential of tea tree oil for scabies. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2016;94(2):258-66.

[7] Oyelami OA, Onayemi A, Oyedeji OA, Adeyemi LA. Preliminary study of effectiveness of aloe vera in scabies treatment. Phytotherapy Research. 2009;23(10):1482-4.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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