The scientific name of rue is Ruta graveolens. It is commonly known as rue or rue herb. It is native to the Balkans. This is a garden plant, but also it is grown for its medicinal properties. Also, it is cultivated as a condiment and an insect repellent. This plant was used widely earlier.
In the “Old English Herbals,” it was found that there are several mentions of rue herb. Eleanour Sinclair Rohde, a famous writer about herbs and plants, wrote this book. But as time passed, people started to decrease the usage of this herb because it has a bitter taste and is toxic.
This herb was mostly used for its antioxidant, anti–inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. In European folk medicine, the rue herb has a special place and is still widely used. Rue herb has alkaloids that possess antihistamine, anti–fertility, antispasmodic, and anti–inflammatory properties.
Also, it has a plant compound known as rutin, which is an antioxidant and can help prevent free radical damage. This herb is poisonous in all its forms, which is why it should never be ingested directly.
It can cause minor side effects, such as stomach irritation; increased sensitivity to sun exposure; mood changes; dizziness; rashes; sleeplessness, and spasms.
Also, it can cause serious side effects, such as severe damage to the liver and kidneys, worsened ulcers, colitis, or inflammatory bowel disease.
10 Health Benefits of Rue Herb
Rue herb is an effective remedy for poison.
It is known that the rue herb is an antidote to poison. This herb is very effective on neurotoxins, such as insect bites and snake bites which are neurotoxins. This herb has not shown any effect on haemotoxins.
This herb can reduce inflammation, which is mainly caused by arthritis. When you regularly take one to two cups of rue herb tea, then it can ease the stiff muscles, and also it will give you relief from joint pains.
Free hair
It is known that this herb is an effective insecticide, meaning you can use the rue essential oil to eliminate the lice infestation. When you use it regularly, rates will no longer be on your hair, and it can help you to stay free.
You can try the rue herb if you suffer from muscle pain. This is one of the best home remedies for menstrual cramps, anxiety, and muscle pain.
The rue herb can protect you from bacterial infections because it can kill the bacteria due to its anti–bacterial properties. Also, the rue herb can prepare tea to fight against colon infections, the intestine, and the urinary tract. Also, the rue herb can protect you from salmonella and food poisoning.
It is a known fact that pests like flies, cockroaches, and mosquitoes can cause a lot of diseases. You can use the rue herb to rid of the mentioned pests. You can put the rue herb or oil in burners, incense sticks, fumigants, and vaporizers to ward off the insects mentioned.
Rue herb has soothing properties, which can be used in calming hysteric and epileptic attacks. Also, this herb can desensitize and relax nerves while, at the same time, it will induce numbness because it has neurotoxin content.
Get a spa treatment
It is known that many spas use rue oil for hair treatment because this oil will give shine and health to your hair. This is one of the best natural treatments for healing damaged hair.
Clearer skin
Rue has anti–fungal properties, which can help cure de – the skin’s complexion, and you will have more beautiful and clearer skin. Rue herb has anti–oxidant properties which will ensure that your skin will be rid of the free radicals causing premature aging of the skin and keep your skin looking happy and young. This is why rue oil is used in therapeutic facial steams.
Rue herb is anti-fungal
This herb can help you to fight against infections, such as athlete’s foot and dermatitis. It will give instant relief from itchy skin.