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Pneumonia Home Remedy and natural treatments

When you have an inflammation in your lungs which is caused by fungal, viral, or bacterial infection, then this is a condition which is known as pneumonia. Our body is preventing the mentioned organisms to infect our lungs but in some cases, they can affect our immune system. In most cases, this is a mild condition which is getting better after two or three weeks. But pneumonia can become a serious condition and in some cases, it can become a fatal condition. This kind of condition is affecting young children, infants, and adults which are 65 years old or older. Also, this condition is affecting people who have underlying health problems or weakened immune systems. The most common symptoms of this condition are shortness of breath, shaking chills, fever, and cough. Also, this condition can cause many other symptoms such as chest pain when breathing deeply or coughing, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, sweating, fatigue, loss of appetite, and headache. Older people who are diagnosed with this disease can experience delirium or confusion. If you suffer from pneumonia, then you need to talk with your doctor about any of the mentioned pneumonia home remedies.

11 pneumonia home remedies


This pneumonia home remedy vegetable can fight against fungi, viruses, and bacteria because it has antimicrobial properties [1,2]. It can help you to decrease your body temperature. Also, it will increase expectoration which can help you to clear your lungs and chest from the phlegm.

You should add ½ teaspoon of crushed garlic to one cup of milk and four cups of water. You should boil this mixture until you have noticed that is reduced ¼ to the original amount. You should drink this mixture 3 times per day.

Also, there is another option in which you can use this remedy. You can marinate crushed garlic cloves in a mixture which consists of equal amounts of honey and fresh lemon juice. You should take 2 – 3 teaspoons of this mixture, 3 – 4 times per day. Also, you can rub garlic juice or garlic paste on your chest. If you do not like the taste of this pneumonia home remedy vegetable, then you should drink ginger tea every day.

Cayenne pepper

This natural pneumonia home remedy has capsaicin which is stimulating the release of mucous from your respiratory passages [3]. Also, this component will help you to clear the mucus from your respiratory system. Also, this vegetable has beta carotene which can help you to have a healthy development of your mucus membranes. In 8 ounces glass of water, you should add a dash of cayenne pepper and a small amount of lemon juice. You should drink this pneumonia home remedy a few times per day.

Also, you can make another remedy from cayenne pepper. In one cup of carrot juice, you should add some amount of cayenne pepper. You can use some of the mentioned pneumonia home remedies and you should know that both of them will help you in the treatment against pneumonia.

Fenugreek seeds

It can help you to break up the congestion because it has mucolytic properties. It will induce sweating which can help you to remove the toxins from your body and also it will reduce the fever [4]. In 500 ml of water which is the amount of two cups of water, you should add one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds. You should boil this mixture because in this way you will make fenugreek tea. You should strain this remedy. You should drink 4 cups of this tea per day. If you do not want the pure taste of this tea, then you can add a small amount of lemon juice. As the time passes you should reduce the amount of the fenugreek tea that you drink because you should feel better.

Also, you can make herbal tea from a pinch of cayenne pepper, one crushed garlic clove, one teaspoon of ginger, and one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds. You should steep these ingredients in one cup full of hot water for a period of 5 minutes. You should strain this remedy and then you need to squeeze the juice from ½ lemons in this tea. Also, you can add a small amount of honey to this tea. You should drink this kind of tea several times per day.

pneumonia home remedy

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are natural expectorant which will expel phlegm. In one cup of water, you should boil one tablespoon of sesame seeds [5]. Then, you should add one tablespoon of flaxseeds (linseed) and you should continue with boiling. Then, you should strain this mixture. You should add a pinch of salt and one teaspoon of honey to this pneumonia home remedy. You should drink this natural remedy once per day.

Vegetable juice

There are many different vegetable juices which can help you to rid of this disease and also they are good for your overall health such as cucumber juice, beet juice, spinach juice, and fresh carrot juice. They will aid in detoxification, dissolve mucus and they will boost your immune system. Also, you can drink parsnip juice because it is rich with phosphorous which can help you to have a healthy bronchial system and it can keep the health of your lungs. You should make a juice from spinach juice and carrot juice which should be in a ratio of 2:3. This means that you will get ½ liter of this mixed juice. You should drink this juice every day.

Also, you can make another vegetable juice. You can mix three parts of carrot juice, one part cucumber juice, and one part beet juice. You should drink this remedy every single day on a regular basis. Also, you can drink 250 ml of parsnip juice every day. This is one cup of this kind of juice. You should drink the pneumonia home remedy juice of cultivated parsnip and you should avoid drinking the juice of wild parsnip.

Steam inhalation

When you are inhaling the steam, then this can help you to fight against the infection, and also it will improve your breathing because it can relieve your congestion and cough. You should boil water in a pot and then you should add a few drops of some essential oil to this water such as camphor, lemon, tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus oil. You should inhale the steam from this pneumonia home remedy. You should cover your head with a towel while you are inhaling the steam from this solution. This can help to steam not to escape. Also, you can take a hot shower. It will help you to get relief from pneumonia.


Turmeric has the same function as fenugreek because they are working as a mucolytic which means that it will expel the mucus from our bodies. This means that they will expel the mucus from our respiratory tract [6]. Also, this pneumonia home remedy has antibacterial and antiviral properties which can help you to fight against the infection. In warm mustard oil, you should add turmeric powder and make a paste from these ingredients. You should rub this paste on your chest. Also, you can make another mixture from this remedy. In one glass of warm milk, you should add one teaspoon of turmeric powder. You should drink this remedy 2 – 3 times per day. In one glass of milk, you should add ¼ teaspoon of black pepper and ½ teaspoon of turmeric. You should drink this pneumonia home remedy once per day.

Holy basil and black pepper

These natural remedies will help you to have healthy lungs. They are one of the most used natural pneumonia home remedies. You need to extract the juice from 5 basil leaves and you should mix them with a pinch of freshly ground black pepper. You should consume this natural remedy every six hours.

Turpentine oil

This oil will help you to get relief from pneumonia. You should rub a small amount of this kind of oil over your rib cage. Also, you can make a mixture of turpentine oil and camphor oil. Then, you should use this pneumonia home remedy mixture to massage yourself. You should cover this area with wool cloth or warm cotton. [7]

Oil of oregano

Oil of oregano can help you to rid of pneumonia because it has some properties such as antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It can clear the congestion and also it will help you to thin the mucus. In one glass of fresh juice or water, you should add 2-3 drops of oregano oil. You should drink this remedy 3 times per day. On a cotton ball or a tissue, you should put 1 – 2 drops of oregano essential oil. You should place this cotton ball or tissue beside your pillow before you go to the bed. This will help you to inhale the steam during your sleeping. Before you start using this natural remedy for your condition, you must talk with your doctor. He or she will prescribe the right natural pneumonia home remedy for you.

Carrot juice

You should put three to four carrots in a juicer to make a carrot juice. You should sprinkle some amount of cayenne pepper in this juice and then you should drink this pneumonia home remedy mixture.


[1] Madineh H, Yadollahi F, Yadollahi F, et al. Impact of garlic tablets on nosocomial infections in hospitalized patients in intensive care units. Electronic Physician. 2017;9(4):4064-71.

[2] Wallock-Richards D, Doherty CJ, Doherty L, et al. Garlic revisited: Antimicrobial activity of allicin-containing garlic extracts against Burkholderia cepacia complex. PLoS One. 2014.

[3] Chopan M, Littenberg B. The association of hot red chili pepper consumption and mortality: A large population-based cohort study. PLoS One. 2017;12(1):e0169876.

[4] Yacoubi L, Serairi R, Rabaoui L, et al. Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of trigonella foenum graecum (fenugreek) seed extract in experimental pulmonary fibrosis. European Respiratory Journal. 201;38:676.

[5] Kuroyama M, Kagawa H, Kitada S, et al. Exogenous lipoid pneumonia caused by repeated sesame oil pulling: a report of two cases. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2015;15:135.

[6] Avasarala S, Zhang F, Liu G, et al. Curcumin modulates the inflammatory response and inhibits subsequent fibrosis in a mouse model of viral-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e57285.

[7] Rodricks A, Satyanarayana M, D’Souza GA, Ramachandran P. Turpentine-induced chemical pneumonitis with broncho-pleural fistula. JAPI. 2003;51:729-30.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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