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Natural treatment & home remedies for HSV-1

The herpes simplex is a viral infection which usually affects the mouth, genitals or the anal area. The herpes simplex is a contagious and it can cause outbreaks of sores and other symptoms. The HSV-1 is a strain of the herpes simplex virus. It is known that the HSV-1 can affect the genital area, not just as many people know it as oral herpes. When the HSV-1 is in the genital area, then it is known as genital HSV-1. You should know that the HSV-1 can be transmitted through kissing, during sex and sharing drinks or utensils.

The HSV-1 usually lives in the back of the neck and it is causing outbreaks on the face. The HSV-1 is a very common virus. This virus sheds so it releases traces of the virus periodically and it is not causing visible symptoms. This means that you can contract this virus even sores are not present. The HSV-1 is most contagious when sores are present. You should know that the HSV-1 is a latent and lifelong virus.

It lies dormant in the system and it appears sporadically throughout the lifetime of the host. Sores are most common symptoms of HSV-1, but also there can be other symptoms, such as eye infections; problems urinating; flu – like symptoms and localized tingling, itching or burning. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from HSV-1 before you start using some of the mentioned home remedies so in this way, you can avoid side effects of them.

Natural treatments for HSV-1

natural treatment for HSV-1

Clean, lean protein

If you do not have enough protein in your body, then your body cannot heal without it [1]. You should try to get at least 4 – 5 ounces of quality protein per meal. Some of the best foods which have protein include foods that are organic, lean and naturally raised, such as grass – fed beef; pasture – raised poultry and wild – caught fish.

Avoid sugar

It is known that if you consume too much sugar, then it can suppress the immune function and it can make the inflammation worse [2]. The added sugar is commonly found in packaged snacks, bottled drinks and flavored products, like cereal, yogurt, granola bars and refined grains.

Wild – caught fish

Fish has essential Omega – 3 fatty acids which is a reason why they are the best Omega – 3 foods. It can help with the inflammation and tissue repair.

Avoid alcohol

It is known that the high amounts of alcohol, in addition to smoking tobacco products and using other drugs, can suppress the immune function and it can make the symptoms like skin inflammation, aches and fatigue worse. [3]

Hydrogen peroxide

It is known that the hydrogen peroxide is disinfectant and it is one of the most used home remedies for the herpes [4]. You can use it by crushing a lysine tablet or apply it through a cotton ball on the affected area. You can mix it with water and use it as a mouthwash as a home remedy for the oral sores. You should repeat this process several times per day and you should continue doing it for several weeks or until it is cured.

Orange and red vegetables

The vegetables which are orange or red in color have antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, carotenoids and bioflavonoids which can help with the skin or wound healing and they can help to raise the overall immunity.

Garlic for HSV-1

The garlic has chemical called allicin which is known to have antiviral properties. Also, the garlic has antimicrobial and anti – inflammatory properties which are beneficial in reducing the impact of inflammation caused by herpes. You should rub garlic clove or garlic oil over the affected area in a period of ten to fifteen minutes and you should repeat this process for several days. You can cook the garlic until the cloves in olive oil are brown so in this way you will have garlic oil. You should use this oil as your home remedy for HSV-1. [5]

Avoid packaged and processed foods

It is known that the most of processed and packaged foods have GMOs (genetically modified ingredients), hydrogenated oils and grains which can weaken the immune function. These foods can worsen the inflammation, cause allergies or sensitivities and essentially they provide little more than empty calories.

Lemon balm for HSV-1

This natural cure has a compound called eugenol which can help you to get a relief from the pain due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. You can make lemon balm tea and drink it two or three times a day or you can apply the lemon balm teabag or oil on the affected area for ten to fifteen minutes in a period of week. You will see that the symptoms of HSV-1 will subside. If you have high blood pressure, then you should avoid consuming lemon balm tea. [6]

Vitamin C for HSV-1

You can add Vitamin C in your diet because it can help to improve the function of the immune system and also, it will improve the HSV-1. Usually, it is recommended consuming 1000 mg of Vitamin C, three times per day, but you need to talk with your doctor about the recommended dosage. [7]

Zinc for HSV-1

This natural cure supports the immune system. It keeps viruses dormant and it can rebuild skin tissue to speed up the healing process. You should consume 30 mg of zinc, two times per day, but you need to talk with your doctor which is the best dosage for your condition. [8]

Foods rich in L – lysine

This is an amino acid which can help to prevent the replication of HSV-1.

Avoid acidic foods

It is known that acidic foods can irritate the herpes cold sores and they can cause burning or worsened pain. You should avoid oranges, vinegar, tomatoes and citrus fruits when you have an active outbreak because this can help to keep the acid from touching open sores. In fact, these foods are healthy to add in your diet, but if you suffer from HSV-1, then you should avoid them.

Apple cider vinegar for HSV-1

It is known that this home remedy has astringent, anti – inflammatory and disinfectant properties. You can use a cotton ball and dip it in small bowl of apple cider vinegar and then, apply it on the affected area. You can experience tingling sensation during the acidic nature of vinegar. You can consume apple cider vinegar mixed with water during flare – ups because this can be helpful.

B complex for HSV-1

It is known that B vitamins can help your body to deal with the stress and they can prevent outbreaks. It is recommended consuming 50 mg of Vitamin B complex on daily basis.

Vitamin E for HSV-1

This natural cure can help the body to repair the damaged skin cells and to grow new ones. You should add some foods which are rich in Vitamin E, such as leafy greens, whole wheat and nuts. Also, you can use Vitamin E oil in your diet so it will help you in the fight against HSV-1. [9]

Peppermint tea for HSV-1

This natural cure can soothe the inflammation and it can ease the pain which is caused by herpes. The peppermint oil has a specific virucidal compound which can help in the fight against HSV-1. You can drink the peppermint tea two or three times per day. Also, you can dip a cotton ball in the peppermint oil and apply it on the affected area. This will give you a relief from the discomfort and inflammation caused by HSV-1.

Zinc for HSV-1

This mineral is needed in many chemical reactions which can help to rebuild the skin and they can protect the body from infections or viruses. It has been found that the topical zinc formulas can help to treat cold sores, but also they can prolong the remissions in herpes. If you want to increase the intake of high – zinc foods, then you should consume more protein sources, such as pumpkin seeds, grass – fed beef, organ meats (like liver) and vegetables like spinach. [8]

Aloe Vera for HSV-1

This home remedy can help you to get a relief from the inflamamtion and pain that are caused by the HSV-1. You should directly apply Aloe Vera gel extracted from the plant or you should apply some Aloe Vera cream. You should let it dry on its own and then, you should wipe it off using a cloth dipped in lukewarm water. [10]

Avoid foods rich in L – arginine

The L – arginine is an amino acid which might slightly stimulate the replication of the HSV-1. You should avoid chocolate and wheat (it is most refined carbohydrates) during the period of outbreaks.

Ice packs

You should take an ice cube and you should carefully wrap it in a piece of cloth or towel. You should rub the affected area with the ice pack you will notice that the pain, discomfort and uneasiness will go away. You should keep the ice on the affected area for at least ten minutes and after a few days, you will notice improvements.


[1] Demling RH. Nutrition, anabolism, and the wound healing process: An overview. Eplasty. 2009;9:e9.

[2] Reinagel M. Does sugar really suppress the immune system? 2018. Retrieved from

[3] Sarkar D, Jung K, Wang J. Alcohol and the immune system. Alcohol Research. 2015;37(2):153–5.

[4] Newcomb WW, Brown JC. Internal catalase protects herpes simplex virus from inactivation by hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Virology. 2012;86(21):11931–4.

[5] Weber ND, Andersen DO, North JA, et al. In vitro virucidal effects of Allium sativum (garlic) extract and compounds. Planta Med. 1992;58(5):417-23.

[6] Schnitzler P, Schuhmacher A, Astani A, Reichling J. Melissa officinalis oil affects infectivity of enveloped herpesviruses. Phytomedicine. 2008;15(9):734-40.

[7] Hemilä H. Vitamin C and infections. Nutrients. 2017;9(4):339.

[8] Arens M, Travis S. Zinc salts inactivate clinical isolates of herpes simplex virus in vitro. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2000;38(5):1758–62.

[9] Schuhmacher A, Reichling J, Schnitzler P. Virucidal effect of peppermint oil on the enveloped viruses herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in vitro. Phytomedicine. 2003;10(6-7):504-10.

[10] Rezazadeh F, Moshaverinia M, Motamedifar M, Alyaseri M. Assessment of anti HSV-1 activity of aloe vera gel extract: an in vitro study. Journal of Dentistry. 2016;17(1):49-54.

Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar
Dr. Ramesh kumar, BAMS is naturopathy doctor who is well versed with health benefits of all fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants


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