If you have a simple earache, then there are many earaches home remedies that you can use to treat this condition. In most cases, earaches result from fluid buildup in the middle ear or ear infection.
Also, there are other causes for this problem, such as an increase in wax in the ear, air pressure, common cold, physical damage to the inside of the ear, blockage in the nasal passage, etc. Small children have increased chances of getting earaches compared with adults. Most of them are in your kitchen, which means they are cheap. But before you start using some earaches home remedies, you must talk with your doctor because some of these remedies may not be suitable depending on your condition.
17 Earaches home remedy
Olive oil
You should use olive oil as an earache home remedy because it can help you to get quick relief from this condition [1,2].
This oil will help you get rid of the infection in your ear because it acts like a lubricant. Also, if you have a buzzing sensation which is inside your ear, then you should also use olive oil as your natural treatment because it will stop it. You should put three to four drops of lukewarm olive oil in the ear canal. They will play the role of ear drops.
Also, you can dip a cotton ball in the olive oil. You should put the cotton ball in your ear firmly way. You can use mustard oil if you do not have olive oil. You should apply it in the same ways in which we have mentioned regarding olive oil.
White vinegar and rubbing alcohol
You should mix some amount of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar. You should put a few drops of this mixture in the affected ear. This earache home remedy can reduce the pain in your ear, and also it can heal the infection.
This vegetable can reduce the earache which is caused by an ear infection because it has antibiotic and analgesic properties. You should heat two tablespoons of sesame oil and one teaspoon of minced garlic. You should let this mixture cool. Then, you should filter this oil. You should put two to three drops of this mixture in the ear where you have aches. Also, you can extract the juice of a few garlic cloves. Then, you should put this earache home remedy in the ear where you have pain. [4]
Eucalyptus oil
In a bowl of boiling water, you should put a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Also, you should add one teaspoon of Vicks to the water. You should inhale the steam of this water. You should repeat it until you have noticed improvements in your condition and the pain is decreased. This earache home remedy will facilitate the drainage of the accumulated fluids from the infected ear, reducing the pressure. [3]
It is a very available home remedy that you can use to treat earache [4]. Onions possess antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which can help you to rid of earache. You will need grated onions because you should extract the juice from them. Then, you should heat one tablespoon of this juice on low heat. You should put two to three drops of this oil in the ear where you have an earache. You should repeat it two to three times per day. You will need to crush a fresh onion. Then, you should wrap the onion in one piece of clean cloth. You should hold the cloth on the areas where you have earache for a period of five to ten minutes. You should repeat this earache’s home remedy several times per day.
If you have a severe earache, then you should use radish as your natural treatment. You will need to chop some radish and put it in mustard oil. Heat it. Then, you should let this mixture cool. Then, you should strain this mixture. You should put a few drops of this earaches home remedy in the ear where you have pain.
Hot water bottle
You should put a moist head around the area where you have an earache. This natural remedy will help you a lot to rid of this condition. You should wrap a hot water bottle in a towel. Then, you should press this earache’s home remedy against the ear where you have an earache. You should press it in a period of a few minutes.
You will need to heat four to five tablespoons of salt. Heat it until you have noticed that the salt has a brown color. You should wrap the salt in a clean cloth. You should press the cloth over the infected ear for a period of two to five minutes every day. You should repeat this earache’s home remedy until you have noticed that you do not feel pain.
Ginger root
It can help you to rid of ear infections because this remedy has anti-inflammatory properties [5]. Also, this vegetable is a painkiller. You will need fresh ginger. You should extract the juice from it. You should put this juice directly in the affected ears. This remedy will reduce the inflammation, and also it can give you relief from the pain.
Also, you can make another mixture. You will need two tablespoons of olive oil and one teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root. You should let this earache’s home remedy infuse in a period of five to ten minutes. Then, you should put a few drops of this oil in the affected ear.
Have foods rich in Vitamin C
You should consume fruits that are rich in Vitamin C, such as lemons, guavas, and oranges.
Peppermint oil and peppermint leaves are very effective home remedies for soothing your earache. In a dropper, you should put the juice from fresh peppermint leaves. Then, you should put a few drops of this juice inside the area where you have aches. You should use a cotton swab to apply a few drops of this oil outside of your ear. You should put it externally around the opening of your ear. You should not put any of the mentioned oils inside your ears. You should use olive oil if you want to dilute the peppermint oil. Then, you should apply this earache home remedy. [6]
It can help you to get relief from earache because it has analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You will need to crush a few basil leaves. Then, you should extract the juice from them. You will need to put 3 or 4 drops of the basil juice in the area where you have aches. You should do this earache home remedy treatment once or twice per day.
Sesame oil
You should heat castor plant leaves with sesame oil. You should strain this mixture and let it cool. With a dropper, you should put two to three drops of this earache home remedy in the affected ear.
Neem is another name for Indian lilac. It has some properties, such as antifungal and antibacterial properties, which can help you to fight against the infection.
Also, this herb has other properties, such as analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help you to reduce earache. You will need to crush neem leaves because, in this way, you can extract the juice from them. Then, you should put a few drops of this remedy in the area where you have earaches. You can also use a cotton ball. Soak this cotton ball in neem oil. Then, you should squeeze out the excess water from this cotton. Then, you should put the cotton ball in your ear. You should let it stay there for a few minutes and discard the cotton ball.
You should repeat some of the earache home remedies once or twice daily until you notice that you do not have earaches. [7]
Chewing gum
If high altitude pressure is the cause of earaches, then you can reduce it by chewing gum.
Bishop’s weed
Ajwain is another name for a bishop’s weed. It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, which make it one of the best home remedies for earaches.
You should mix three teaspoons of sesame seeds with one teaspoon of Bishop’s weed oil. Then, you should warm this mixture slightly. Then, you should put a few drops of this earache home remedy in your ear. You should mix a couple of garlic flakes, ½ teaspoon of Bishop’s weed, and two teaspoons of mustard oil. Then, you should heat this mixture. You should heat it until you have noticed that the garlic is red. You should filter this mixture. Then, you should use this mixture as ear drops and put a few drops in your ear. [8]
Hair dryer
If you want to reduce the earache, then you should apply moist heat through your hair dryer. When you are finished with your shower or bath, then you should not use a towel to dry your ears. You should use a blow dryer as a replacement for the hair dryer. You should put the dryer on warm. You should hold it slightly away from the affected ear. You should let the warm air dry your ears. But you should remember not to use warm air for more than five minutes. You should ask your doctor which will be the best natural earache home remedy for your condition.
[1] Sarrell EM, Cohen HA, Kahan E. Naturopathic treatment for ear pain in children. Pediatrics. 2003;111(5Pt1):e574-9.
[2] Sarrell M, Mandelberg A, Cohen HA. Efficacy of naturopathic extracts in the management of ear pain associated with acute otitis media. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 2001;155(7):796-99.
[3] Yadav N, Chandra H. Suppression of inflammatory and infection responses in lung macrophages by eucalyptus oil and its constituent 1,8-cineole: Role of pattern recognition receptors TREM-1 and NLRP3, the MAP kinase regulator MKP-1, and NFκB. PLoS One. 2017.
[4] Rane PS, Gaikwad ST. Medicinal properties of onion and garlic: A review. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2019;6(5):50-57.
[5] Khayat S, Kheirkhah M, Moghadam ZB, et al. Effect of treatment with ginger on the severity of premenstrual syndrome symptoms. ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2014.
[6] Sivamani P. Otitis externa Fungal isolates and their sensitivity to essential
oils of selected herbals. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2014;3(9):415-29.
[7] El-Mahmood AM, Ogbonna OB, Raji M. The antibacterial activity of Azadarichta indica (neem) seeds extracts against bacterial pathogens associated with eye and ear infections. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research. 2010;4(14).
[8] Anwar M, Green JA, Norris P, Bukhari NI. Self-medication, home remedies, and spiritual healing: common responses to everyday symptoms in Pakistan. Journal
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 2015;3(1).