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Effective natural treatments and home remedies for dengue fever

Dengue fever is the worst widespread virus which affects millions of people every year. The mortality rate is relatively low. Each year are affected between 50 million and 500 million people are.

This virus is transmitted via mosquitoes.

This tropical disease used to be somewhat limited in this region, but since the middle of the 20th century, this disease has become endemic in more than one hundred countries. Several types of mosquitoes can transmit this disease, of which there are 5 varieties.

If you survive one type of dengue fever, then you have lifelong immunity to this variety, but if you contract the second type of dengue fever, then this results in more serious complications. Dengue fever is also known as breakbone fever.

The symptoms of this condition are a skin rash closely resembling measles, muscle pain, headaches, body aches, and a sudden onset fever. 

80% of contracted cases are asymptomatic or imperceptibly mild. 5% of cases show serious symptoms. Less than 1% of the cases prove to be fatal.

Dengue shock and dengue hemorrhagic fever are the two most serious forms that dengue fever can take. There is no cure or vaccination for the dengue virus. Treating the secondary condition is very common; in most cases, patients can survive.

21 Home remedies and natural treatment for dengue fever


When we say to chew some basil leaves, then this does not sound appetizing, but it is a known fact that this is a very important immune boosting-technique, and it has been long recommended in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of dengue fever [1].

Basil essential oil is also a natural insecticidal agent that can prevent mosquito attacks. This makes basil a treatment and a preventive strategy.

Avoid eating solid foods

You should avoid eating solid foods until the dengue fever is gone. You can replace these foods by drinking plenty of juices and distilled water.


Fenugreek leaves can reduce the fever and act as a slight sedative to ease the pain and promote more restful sleep for the patients taking it. This is a popular home remedy for the symptoms of this condition in many places all around the world.

Fenugreek tea is an herbal blend that is an effective natural cure for removing fever symptoms. Also, it has soothing effects, which can clean you inside. [2]

Orange juice

This is also a very effective home remedy for dengue fever. It is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, making it one of the best natural cures for treating dengue fever’s secondary symptoms and eliminating the virus. 

This juice can help stimulate cellular repair due to Vitamin C‘s crucial role in creating collagen, increasing urination, releasing toxins, and promoting antibodies in the immune system. [3]

Papaya leaves

Papaya leaves are widely known as a natural cure for dengue fever, although the exact pathway is unclear. Papayas have a complex mix of organic compounds and nutrients that can cause a rise in your platelet count. They have high amounts of Vitamin C, which can stimulate the immune system.

Also, they have antioxidants that can help reduce oxidative stress and eliminate toxins in your body. The papaya leaves can be crushed, so you should strain it with a cloth to drink the pure juice. [2,4]

Neem leaves

Neem leaves are one of the most used home remedies for many ailments, and also it can be used as a natural treatment for dengue fever. You should steep neem leaves, and then you should do the subsequent brew. It was shown that it could increase the white blood count and blood platelet, which are two of the most dangerous side effects of the virus. When the neem leaves are properly brewed, they can improve your immune system and return your strength much faster than other home remedies. [2,3]


This is one of the most effective home remedies for dengue fever. Extreme dehydration is a common cause of dengue fever because there is excessive sweating, bodily exertion, and the internal toll that the dengue fever that dengue fever takes on our bodies.

You should drink as much water as possible because, in this way, you will keep your body hydrated. This will ease the symptoms of dengue fever, such as muscle cramps and headaches. Dehydration causes both symptoms. Also, the water will help flush the body and eliminate excess toxins, which can complicate the viral impact of the pathogen.


There are many home remedies and natural cures which are not directly proven or approved through research. Homeopathic physicians have praised goldenseal for its ability to clear up the symptoms of this disease in a very short way, and also it can eliminate this virus from your body. 

This natural cure can help you to ease vomiting, nausea, headaches, chills, and fevers. Also, it has a natural antiviral capacity, which can cure dengue fever in a very short period.

Barley grass

This natural cure has the unique ability to increase the body’s blood platelet count by stimulating the production of more blood cells. You can eat barley grass directly or drink barley tea, and you will notice a rapid increase in the platelet count, which is one of the most serious side effects of dengue fever which can prolong weakness and increase the susceptibility of the body to dengue hemorrhagic fever and other serious conditions. [5]


This natural cure is used in Ayurvedic medicine. When this herb is used in a hot infusion, it brings on a sweat that expels toxins from our bodies.


When we talk about acupuncture, some people may think this is a crazy treatment for dengue fever. When acupuncture is done by a trained professional, it can help you lower the body temperature. [6]

YEP tea

This type of tea is made of peppermint, elderflower, and yarrow. This home remedy is a blend of diaphoretic herbs. This means that they induce sweating to lower our body’s temperature.


Prevention is the most effective form of treatment. But we know that fending off annoying mosquitoes can be very difficult for every single person. Some of the most effective preventative strategies are avoiding or eliminating standing, stagnant water in those parts of the world where mosquitoes reproduce.

If you are in tropical or heavily wooded areas, you should apply mosquito repellent to any exposed skin and clothes. You should keep your skin exposed at a minimum, and when you sleep, you should be sure that your sleep is fully enclosed, including tears and any mosquito netting that you may put in place to protect yourself.

Coriander leaves

If you want to reduce dengue fevers, you should take coriander leaves in the form of a tonic. [2]

Natural cures for dengue fever

Vitamin C

Every single person around the world knows the importance of Vitamin C. You should take vitamins rich in Vitamin C, such as amla (also known as embellica officinalis), because it can help you better absorb iron.

When we feel down and out, we should add Vitamin C to our diets. You should take this vitamin on a regular basis because it can help you to prevent viruses, speed up the recovery process, and also it will enhance the immune system. [3]


This natural cure can be used to bring down temperature. Hogweed produces plenty of perspiration which flashes out the toxins from your body and brings the fever down.

Hermal seeds

The seeds of this natural cure are powdered and can be taken as a decoction or an infusion to treat intermittent and recurrent fevers observed in dengue.


It is a known fact that this home remedy can boost your metabolism and also it can make the healing process faster. Also, you can consume this home remedy along with the milk. [7]

Cassia tree

The root of the cassia tree is also one of the most used natural cures for dengue fever.

Tulasi leaf

You should use ten Tulasi leaves and one black pepper. You should take these ingredients in proportion. You should grind them and make pea size pills. You should use them with water. [2]


Our bodies require this nutrient because it can boost the protection of our bodies because this mineral assists in T Cells and natural killer cell activity.


[1] Kumar S, Warikoo R, Mishra M, et al. Impact of Ocimum basilicum leaf essential oil on the survival and behaviour of an Indian strain of dengue vector, Aedes aegypti (L.). Vector Biology Journal. 2017;2(2).

[2] Singh K, Zeeshan M, Ansari VA, et al. Prevention and control of dengue by herbal remedies. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2016;8(3):708-713.

[3] Mehboob M, Nouroz F, Noreen S. Natural and herbal remedies for dengue prevention. Pakistan Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Research. 2014;2(2):44-47.

[4] Saraf MS, Kavimandan B. Dengue fever: Role of Carica papaya L. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 2018;8(1):249-53.

[5] Zeng Y, Pu X, Yang J, et al. Preventive and therapeutic role of functional ingredients of barley grass for chronic diseases in human beings. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2018;2018:3232080.

[6] Ching SM, Ramachandran V, Gew LT, et al. Complementary alternative medicine use among patients with dengue fever in the hospital setting: a cross-sectional study in Malaysia. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2016;16:37.

[7] Ichsyani M, Ridhanya A, Risanti M, et al. Antiviral effects of Curcuma longa L. against dengue virus in vitro and in vivo . IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Sciences 101. 2017.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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