Body Acne is a skin problem that can affect people of different ages. People who suffer most from body acne are teenagers because they have increased levels of hormones in their bodies.
Also, there can be other causes for this disease, such as too much stress, a hectic lifestyle, deprivation, and unhealthy eating habits. You can see body acne on your face, back, scalp and chest. There is no cure that has helped all people who suffer from body acne. This is happening because there are different types of skin, so if one home remedy has helped one person, then this doesn’t mean it will help other people. We recommend you try some home remedies for treating your condition:
13 Home Remedies for Body Acne
This natural remedy is good for many types of skin, such as oily, aged, and dry skin. When you are using oatmeal as your natural treatment for body acne, then this remedy is soaking the excessive oil and sebum out of the skin. This helps to clear all the toxins which are in your body.
Also, this natural remedy is good for riding off dead skin cells.
2 Homemade oatmeal home remedy recipes.
You should put 3 tablespoons of oatmeal in a blender. Make this amount of oatmeal as powder.
Add 3 more tablespoons to a sock (it must be a clean sock). After you have done this step, you should tie the end of the sock closed.
Also, you should bathe yourself in a warm bath. Put the powder oatmeal in the bathtub. You should take the sock which you have tied previously. Squeeze the sock to spread the oatmeal powder equally in the water. Soak this remedy for 20 to 30 minutes. You should repeat this natural remedy at regular times.
Also, you can make another home remedy from oatmeal.
Cook some oatmeal. Then, you should mix the cooked oatmeal wit½ the juice of a lemon and one teaspoon of honey. Then, you should rub this remedy on the affected areas. Let this mixture stay on your skin for 30 minutes. After this period has passed, you should rinse the affected area with lukewarm water. You should repeat this natural remedy once or twice per week.[1,2]
This element has helped many people with body acne. It is a very effective natural remedy for treating body acne. You should apply this element only topically to the affected areas.[3]
Bovine cartilage
This natural remedy has helped in the prevention of body acne. Also, it is used as a natural treatment for body acne, and it has shown effective results.
Azelaic acid
We know that one of the most common causes in people who suffer from body acne is bacteria. This element has antibacterial properties. This property makes this natural remedy one of the most effective natural treatments for body acne.[4]
Baking soda
This natural remedy is a perfect and gentle exfoliant for the skin. Baking soda removes the dead skin cells from your body. Also, it is good for unplugging the pores of your skin. Also, this natural remedy has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it the perfect natural remedy for treating your pH balance. Many medical experts are recommended using baking soda for treating body acne.
Make a paste from one or two teaspoons of baking soda mixed with a small amount of water. Let it stay on your skin, and then you should rinse it.
Also, you can make another home remedy from baking soda.
You should mix ½ juice of lemon, 5 tablespoons of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Apply this mixture to your skin. Let it stay for 5 minutes, and then you should wash your skin. You should use this natural remedy once or twice per week.
Honey and turmeric mask
This mask is one of the most effective natural remedies for treating body acne. Turmeric prevents scarring. Also, this natural remedy is good for keeping the sebum balance. Honey is an effective natural remedy for moisturizing the skin.
Make a mask from these two remedies. You will need 2 tablespoons of honey (be sure that your honey is organic) and one teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix these remedies and apply the mask to the affected areas. Let it stay there for fifteen minutes.
Also, this natural remedy is very effective if you have facial acne. You should apply this mask if you have facial acne. If you want to have effective and quality results (in the shortest time to get rid of body acne), then you should apply this mask once in two days.[5]
Lemon juice
Lemon has acidic properties, which are very helpful in treating body acne. This natural remedy will clean your skin from all the dirt which is accumulated in the pores. Also, this natural remedy is effective for hardening the sebum. In most cases, this natural remedy is used once per day. But in some cases, it can cause you drying on your skin. In those cases, you should use this remedy every 2 or 3 days. Cut one slice of lemon. Then, you should rub this slice on the affected areas. Let it stay there for a few hours before you wash your skin with water. Also, you can make a mixture of rose water and lemon juice. They should be in equal amounts. You should use this mixture to wash your affected areas every day.[6]
Epsom salt
Magnesium sulfate or Epsom salt is an effective natural remedy for reducing itching, inflammation, and redness and for riding off the toxins in the body.
Also, this natural remedy activates the enzymes in the body, which absorb zinc, Vitamin D, and potassium, which play a major role in the skin. When you are taking bath, you can add one of two cups of Epsom salt to the warm water. What you should know is that when you are taking an Epsom salt bath, you should not add some cosmetic products such as shampoo, gels, or soaps to your water. You can make a compromise with this part. This means that you should scrub the skin with a loofah. You should soak this warm water for twenty to thirty minutes.
When you are having a bath with Epsom salt, your body is running out of liquids because the Epsom salt is absorbing liquids. After you have done your bath, you should take a lot of liquids. You should repeat this bath at regular times. Another thing you should know about this home remedy is that you should not rub it directly on your skin because can irritate your body acne. Also, you should know that if you start using this natural remedy, then you should have enough intake of magnesium and calcium.[7]
Sea salt
This natural remedy is good for absorbing excess oil. Also, sea salt plays a big role in moisturizing the skin.
Sea salt can prevent the bacteria to come again in the affected areas and make bigger problems in the skin. What you should remember is that you should use organic salts. Do not use table salt because this kind of salt contains iodine which can worsen your situation.
Make a warm bath with added two or three cups of sea salt in the warm water. Soak this kind of water for twenty to thirty minutes. If you have extremely oily skin, then you should not use a light moisturizer after you have done your bath. But if this is the opposite, then you should use a light moisturizer.
You should repeat this natural remedy twice per day to have the best results. Also, you can add sea salt to the water. Pour this water into a spray bottle. Spray this remedy on your back if you have back acne. You should use this remedy twice per day to have the best results. Let this remedy dry on your skin. You should wear loose clothes. Also, you should know that this natural remedy is helping patients which are having body acne in their middle stadium.[7]
Apple cider vinegar
This natural remedy has helped many people who have suffered from body acne. Apple cider vinegar is very effective at reducing inflammation. Also, this natural remedy helps to keep the pH balance stable in the body. This remedy is also protecting your body from bacteria to make serious disorders.
Make a mixture from this natural remedy. You will need one part of apple cider vinegar mixed with two parts of water. Put this mix in a spray bottle. If you have acne on your back, then you should spray your back before you go to sleep. Let it stay for 20-25 minutes. After this period has passed, you should rinse your skin with water. Put the spray bottle in a refrigerator because, in this way, you will have a cooling effect on your body acne. You should repeat this home remedy at night or in the morning to have the best results. If you do not have a spray bottle, then you can apply this mixture with a cotton ball to your body acne.
Milk of magnesia
Milk of magnesia is a very effective natural remedy for treating body acne. Dab a small amount of the milk of magnesia in the affected areas. This natural remedy will help you to get rid of body acne because it keeps the temperature of your skin and also regulates the pH balance in your body. Also, this natural remedy is effective in reducing sebum and oil production.[8]
[1] Reynertson KA, Garay M, Nebus J, et al. Anti-inflammatory activities of colloidal oatmeal (Avena sativa) contribute to the effectiveness of oats in treatment of itch associated with dry, irritated skin. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2015;14(1):43-8.
[2] Narayanan V, Ganjoo A, Kadhe G. Efficacy and tolerability of an oatmeal moisturizer containing colloidal oatmeal for dry skin conditions: A post-marketing study. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2016;27(1):1118-21.
[3] Gupta M, Mahajan VK, Mehta KS, Chauhan PS. Zinc therapy in dermatology: A review. Dermatology Research and Practice. 2014;2014:709152.
[4] Bagatin E, de Freitas THP, Machado MCR, et al. Adult female acne: a guide to clinical practice. Anais Brasileiros De Dermatologia. 2019;94(1):62–75.
[5] Vaughn AR, Branum A, Sivamani RK. Effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on skin health: A systematic review of the clinical evidence. Phytotherapy Research. 2016;30(8):1243-64.
[6] Shinfaki SA, Ndanusa H. Antibacterial activity of Citrus limon on Acnevulgaris (pimples). International Journal of Science Inventions Today. 2013;2(5):397-409.
[7] Proksch E, Nissen HP, Bremgartner M, Urquhart C. Bathing in a magnesium-rich Dead Sea salt solution improves skin barrier function, enhances skin hydration, and reduces inflammation in atopic dry skin. International Journal of Dermatology. 2005;44(2):151-7.
[8] Graedon T. Milk of magnesia fights acne. The People’s Pharmacy. 2018. Retrieved from