Tea tree oil, also known as the melaleuca, is considered to have components that act as anti-bacterial, anti-microbial as well as anti-septic [1,2]. The medicine is known to be used as a source of ailment to various skin diseases including athlete’s foot. It is also known to be an effective antidote to fingernail fungus as well as toenail fungus. What should be done to prepare medicine for this condition using the product? You should avail the tea tree oil, then wash your feet and ensure that they are properly dried, and then make an application of the oil on the region with fungal infection. The practice should be done constantly three times a day.
21 Athlete’s Foot Natural Cures and Home Remedies
Grapefruit Extract
The extract is obtained from the seed of this fruit; it is also contained in the peel as well as the pulps. The existence of microbial components in this fruit makes it a strong treatment for diseases as well as viruses that are considered infectious. The operational use requires you to prepare a full-strength extract of the fruit then apply it to the area affected by the condition and maintain the practice daily. This should be at a maximum of three times on a daily basis.
Recurring fungal infections are well attended to by this spice. The ajoene compound in garlic is good for proper elimination of the fungus within a short period of time. This is possible because it has very strong anti-microbial as well as an outstanding strength to act as anti-fungal [3]. This anti-fungal property makes it to be an appropriate treatment for the athlete’s foot. The procedure you need to follow involves crushing garlic cloves and then adding them to water prepared for your foot bath. When this is done you should soak your feet for a period of half an hour in that same water. In addition to this mix some of the ground garlic with olive oil and apply it to the areas affected.
Lavender oil
Like many other natural cures, this has great antifungal as well as antiseptic composition, this makes it work better even when used in low concentrations. The outstanding substance which is of effective action and compost the product is alpha-pinene. The medicine has been approved to work even better when the oil is supplemented with other products tea tree and myrrh oil. For it to work you should add to you are supposed to apply a mixture of two tablespoonfuls of olive oil with three drops of lavender oil. This will work very effectively when it is done a maximum of three times a day. [2]
Myrrh oil
This is quite distinct from other products because it has numerous properties, this includes, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antiviral, astringent, antioxidant as well as antiviral [4]. These properties help it to be an effective cure for such conditions as athletes’ feet. Its usage is very simple you are only required to rub it on the area which is affected and maintain the practice three times a day. The effect it has is that it is able to remove the pain itching and this has a healing effect eventually.
Baking soda paste
Being that it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial abilities, this treatment makes conditions unbearable for fungus and bacteria to survive between your feet. The alkaline nature does not make the environment conducive for these microorganisms therefore it helps in eradicating them. You should take three tablespoonfuls of soda and use one tablespoonful of water to make a paste. After this ensure that your feet are washed and dried properly. This should be applied between your toes by gentle rubbing and give it time to dry and then rinse your toes with cold water then give them time to dry well.
Salt soak
This only requires you to prepare a soaking salt solution to treat your feet. Plain salt is a good treatment for the condition but Epsom salt gives a better result. This is because Epsom salt is composed of magnesium as well as sulfate which the skin can easily absorb and this is crucial in preventing inflammations in your feet. The salt to be used should be added to prepared warm water in a basin, after this, the affected feet or foot should be soaked in this solution for a period of ten minutes and then dried well. The practice when well repeated four times on a daily basis the outcome will be great.
It has been established to contain properties like anti-bacterial as well as antifungal ones [5]. It acts based on the two major components which it has and this is the myrosin and sinigrin. These two react in presence of water hence helping in setting the mustard oil-free. The oil which is the resultant product is important in the sense that it contains germicidal as well as anti-inflammatory properties which are significant in treating athlete’s foot.
Apple cider Vinegar
The anti-viral qualities as well as antibacterial and anti-fungal are a key component in this cure that makes it effective for the cure of athlete’s foot. The alkaline nature set the environment for fungus to be very hostile in this way it limits and prevents their survival, hence making their elimination an easy process. You are supposed to mix the apple cider vinegar in a basin of water then for ten minutes soak your feet in the water. After this leave them to dry up.
Using a healthy yogurt can also be a beneficial treatment for the fungal infection which causes an athlete’s foot. This is because it contains Acidophilus which is a bacterium that works by eliminating fungus as well as making their environment hostile for their development. You are therefore advised to get access to unflavored yogurt, then rub them on the region where the fungus has affected then give them time to dry. Give it time then wash the feet with warmed water and then dry them. This practice will be effective when it is done four times every day.
It is an amazing product in the treatment of athlete’s foot, because of its astringent, antimicrobial as well as anti-inflammatory properties which enable it to counter itching, inflammatory as well as infection effects of the condition [6]. To prepare them for treatment you are supposed to put them in a pot then pour boiling water over them and then give them an hour to encourage infusion. After this, it should be strained and then pour the strain into the foot basin. Once this is done you should soak your feet for a period of twenty minutes in the infused water.
Onion juice
The sulfur and quercetin components in onions are considered to be very strong antioxidant agents that are effective in helping the neutralization of free radicals. In addition to this these components are effective in protecting the body cells’ membrane protection. Other components like cepaene and vinyl dithiins are important in acting like antimicrobials [7]. This sets it to be an important fungal cure, it is, therefore, important to grind onions and then obtain the juice using the cheesecloth. After this, you should wash and dry your feet. After this, the juice extract should be applied to the affected area and left for thirty minutes. This will ensure a complete cure for the athlete’s foot.
[1] Carson CF, Hammer KA, Riley TV. Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil: a review of antimicrobial and other medicinal properties. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2006;19(1): 50–62.
[2] Thosar N, Basak S, Bahadure RN, Rajurkar M. Antimicrobial efficacy of five essential oils against oral pathogens: An in vitro study. European Journal of Dentistry. 2013;7(Suppl1):S71–S77.
[3] Li WR, Shi QS, Dai HQ, et al. Antifungal activity, kinetics and molecular mechanism of action of garlic oil against Candida albicans. Scientific Reports. 2016;6.
[4] Perveen K, Bokhari NA, Siddique I, Al-Rashid SAI. Antifungal activity of essential oil of Commiphora molmol oleo gum resin. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2018;21(3):667-73.
[5] Clemente I, Aznar M, Silva F, Nerin C. Antimicrobial properties and mode of action of mustard and cinnamon essential oils and their combination against foodborne bacteria. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2016;36:26-33.
[6] Tabassum N, Hamdani M. Plants used to treat skin diseases. Pharmacognosy Review. 2014;8(15):52–60.
[7] Kivanc M, Kunduhoglu B. Antimicrobial activity of fresh plant juice on the growth of bacteria and yeasts. 1997.